Land O’Lakes is proud to announce the expansion of its Minnesota Farmers Co-op plan, now called the Land O’Lakes Cooperative Farmer Member Health Plan, into Nebraska.
Since 2012, Land O’Lakes, Inc. has been working to help members and their members who were struggling to obtain quality, affordable health insurance. This began with the Member Cooperative Health Plan, which is offered to certain member cooperatives to provide coverage to their employees and beginning in 2018, a group plan was introduced in Minnesota to a pilot group of co-ops to offer coverage to their members. This is the Plan that has now expanded to more co-ops in Minnesota and also to co-ops in Nebraska.
Land O’Lakes has been proactive in fighting to create more affordable options for its individual members and co-ops nationwide. The new offering in Nebraska will mark the first time that any organization has sponsored a self-insured multi-state group plan under new federal regulations issued this summer.
These options provide an opportunity to develop a group health plan for our producers and individual farmers within our cooperative/retail network in Minnesota and Nebraska. The plan was offered to 12 Minnesota based Land O’Lakes member co-ops and Minnesota dairy members as part of the initial pilot in 2018 in partnership with Gravie, a Minneapolis-based benefits marketplace.
The plan will now be offered to almost 15,000 eligible farmers in Minnesota.
It will also be offered to nearly 28,000 farmers in Nebraska.
Eligible farmers can take advantage of plans that are generally more affordable and comprehensive than those offered in the individual market.
Those with pre-existing conditions are not barred from participation, and premiums are not based on a participant’s health condition.
Farmers participating in the Land O’Lakes Cooperative Farmer Member Health Plan can choose from several ACA compliant plans -- all of which cover each of the ten Essential Health Benefits (EHBs).
With guidance from Gravie, member producers, co-op member farmers and their employees can select a plan that is best for them. Gravie can also help to see if you’re eligible for tax credits which could lower your monthly premiums. If you used the program last year and are currently enrolled, Gravie will reach out about 2019 enrollment.
For individual members outside of either state, Gravie can assist you and your employees select the plan that fits your needs. Gravie will even help you determine whether you’re eligible to receive tax credits, which could lower your monthly premium. Additionally, Gravie offers ancillary benefits as well, including dental insurance, life insurance, vision insurance and more.
Land O’Lakes is also proud to sponsor the Member Cooperative Health Plan exclusively for certain member cooperatives by offering a high-quality, cost-effective and compliant benefits solution. More than 5,000 employees are enrolled, experiencing firsthand the benefits and proven results of this unique opportunity. The plan can be available to eligible co-ops in Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin.
The annual Enrollment period for 2019 coverage is open now through Dec. 15. Now is the time to start checking on your 2019 health insurance options. If you are interested in getting started in any of the programs above, please review the contact information below and reach out as soon as possible to ensure 2019 health insurance is secured in a timely manner.
Contact Gavie today:
For Minnesota member producers and member farmers of participating co-ops contact 844-538-4690 or go to
For Nebraska member producers and member farmers of participating co-ops, contact Gravie at 844-538-4690 or go to
For the National Program contact Gravie at 877-660-7742 or go to
For retailers, contact Gravie at 844-540-8701 or go to